Case Study 4 – Massive Pubic Keloid:
This 28-year-old female presented in 2014 with a massive conglomerate pubic keloid. She first developed a small pubic keloid at the age 16. Over the next several years she had undergone multiple surgeries, however, after each surgery her keloids regrew and became larger than before. She also had multiple steroid injections, and numerous home remedies. Since all these measures failed, she reached a point of giving up hope and not seeking treatment all together. By the time she came to see Dr. Tirgan (photograph below), the pubic keloid process had covered much of her pubic area.
Massive Pubic Keloid

Treatment Strategy
Treating such a massive keloid in a patient who has failed other treatments is fairly challenging. We chose to treat this keloid with cryotherpy, however in stages. Dr. Tirgan first treated a small segment of this keloid which is shown in the images below.

Treatment Strategy
As can be seen in the image above, the treated keloid had an excellent response to cryotherapy replaced with a small mark at the site of treatment. Encouraged with the results, she returned to our office to continue treatment. Larger areas of her keloid was treated in Early October 2014. Images below depict her ongoing progress.
This case is another example of how effective cryotherapy can be in treating even such massive keloids.