Atlas of Ear Keloids:
Atlas of Ear Keloids, authored and published by Dr. Tirgan, is a comprehensive book about various types of ear keloids. The ears are common locations for the development of keloids. The injury that triggers ear keloid formation is almost always due to piercing. The second most common type of injury to the ear is surgery, either to remove a previously formed keloid, or surgery for other reasons, such as otoplasty to reshape the ears, or face-lift surgery. The worsening of ear keloids after surgical excision is most definitely due to triggering the underlying genetically driven, dysregulated wound healing mechanisms. This is in response to a new, yet greater, dermal injury, i.e. surgery, which is more extensive in nature than the original piercing injury. With 134 ear keloid images, this atlas is a compilation of numerous case studies, illustrating the very diverse pattern of presentation of keloid disorder involving ears.
Atlas of Ear Keloids is available on