Ear Keloids – Case Study 7- Post Otoplasty Keloid:
This 16-year-old teenager, at age 14 had undergone otoplasty for correction of the shape of his left ear. Unfortunately, a keloid formed at the site of surgery. The treating surgeon decided to surgically remove the keloid. This resulted in recurrence of the keloid. He was then treated with repeated cycles of high dose steroid injections. Unfortunately, this keloid proved to be steroid-resistant and did not respond to the massive doses of the steroids that were injected into it.
The image below depicts this keloid in early 2012 when he consulted with Dr. Tirgan.
The keloid masses were treated with repeated cycles of cryotherapy. Images below depict the gradual improvement of this keloid.
To learn more about post-otoplasty keloids CLICK HERE to access Dr. Tirgan’s publication on this particular keloid.