Neck Keloids – Case Study 6 – Semi-Massive Neck Keloid:
This 37-year-old gentleman presented to our office in November 2015 with several large keloids that had developed over the span of eight years involving his neck and chest areas. He had undergone several surgeries for treatment of his neck keloids, but surgery after surgery, his neck keloids had grown larger and larger.

Semi-Massive Neck Keloid
Treating semi-massive and massive neck keloids is rather challenging. The course taken for this gentleman was to once again, perform a coordinated surgery, to remove much of the keloids, followed by injecting the healing line of surgery with intra-lesional chemotherapy.
This multi-modality approach works very well for very large keloids. The goal of treatment is to initiate chemotherapy injections within a month after surgery and continue the injections on a regular basis to prevent recurrence of the keloid. This patient lived far away from our office, and despite less than adequate treatment in terms of frequency or receiving injections, the outcome for his neck keloids have been very good. The image below was taken in March 2020, some 5 years after his initial presentation to Dr. Tirgan.