Ear Keloids – Case Study 6- Massive Ear Keloid:
Massive ear keloids develop only in patients who have had prior keloid surgery, often multiple surgeries, to remove an ear keloid. The main reason as to why these keloids grow to such a large and massive size is that the patients, and also the treating physicians realize that surgery cannot help the situation; and that they cannot think of any other method to treat the keloid. Often, both the patient and the surgeon accept failure of standard treatment, and simply give up hope, and decide to live with such keloids.
The photograph below depicts a massive ear keloid in young African American female who had multiple surgeries to remove a much smaller keloid from her ear.
Massive Ear Keloid

This keloid was treated with repeated cycles of cryotherapy. Significant improvement was achieved in a relatively short period of time.

Unfortunately, due to the pain from associated with cryotherapy, and presence of numerous other keloids, this patient stopped cryotherapy and we were not able to completely remove the keloid from the ear. Months later, the treated keloid regrew, however the patient was not willing to continue treatment.
So much can be learned from the case studies, specially from this case. The most important lesson learned from observing several patients with massive ear keloid is that these keloids are only seen in patients who have undergone numerous prior ear keloid removal surgeries. The biggest mistake in treating keloids, specially in ear keloids, is the very first surgery. Although some patients are cured with surgery, several patients end up with outcomes like this patient.
To learn more about Massive Ear Keloids, please follow this link to access Dr. Tirgan’s publication about these keloids, the risk factors as well as treatment methods and treatment results.