Neck Keloids – Case Study 4 – Vertical Neck Keloid:
This young gentleman presented to Dr. Tirgan in June 2012 with a long vertical keloid on his neck that had developed after injury that he had sustained about two years earlier. The keloid was not treated previously.

Vertical Neck Keloid
Due to it thick and bulky nature, the keloid was treated with contact cryotherapy. In treating large keloids with cryotherapy, it is best to treat the lesion in parts. This approach not only allows for more proper healing of the skin, but it also minimizes the discomfort and the aftercare that is needed to manage the treated area. The image below depicts the treated upper half of this keloid, immediately after the application of cryotherapy.

Neck Keloid - Immediately after application of cryotherapy
This keloid required 2 full rounds of cryotherapy to the whole length of it, and thereafter, its remnants were treated with intralesional steroids. Significant reduction in the mass of this was achieved within 9 months. There was a minor regrowth that was treated about 2 years later. Ever since, there has not been any regrowth or activity at the site of this keloid and the patient has not required any more treatments for this keloid.
The image below was taken in August 2020 and depicts the long-term outcome of the treatment for this keloid.